

Last update: October 8th, 2010



Taxi Service- AColca Tours
051(Peru Code)- 054(Arequipa Code)- 959955514 __ 959715948__ 254085


Feel safe at your arrival in Arequipa while you are being transfered by one of our drivers to your hotel in Arequipa.

-Type of vehicles:
We offer station wagon vehicles (enough space for your luggages).

We work 24 hrs/7 days per week,  we keep  the same fare by the night and by the day.

-Capacity of each vehicle:
1 - 4 people
At your arrival our driver well accredited by our company will be waiting for you with a sing and a contact name on it.

1.- Transfer in
2.- Transfer out
3.- Service per hour
4.- Delivery

-Prices for each vehicle:
Includes the taxes to get into the airport and bus terminal:

*20.00 soles or 7.50 usd = From or to Airport  /  Hotel located in Down Town, Yanahuara, Vallecito (distance 20 mtes)
*15.00 soles or 5.50 usd =  From or to Bus terminal /  To any hotel located in Down Town, Yanahuara, Vallecito (distance 15 mtes).

*20.00 soles or 7.50 usd = is charged per each hour

*Prices does not include I.G.V. (only Peruvian or residents in Peru if they require Factura is needed to add this tax).

-For Reservations:
We require a reservation in advanced with the follow information:

Paste and copy the follow and fill it with the required information and send us to:


We will email you back with in 24hrs, if it is urgent required call us to: Movil: 051-054-959955514/ 959715948

1.-Contact Name:


2.-Number of passengers:


3.-Date of service:


4.-Place and hour of departure:


5.- a-Company of transport: (if it by bus, name of the company):
      b-Company of transport: (if it by Plane, name of the company and flight number):


6.-Name of your hotel to drop you or pick you up:


The payment is made direct to the driver the day of the service.


A.Colca Tours  E.I.R.L.
Calle La Merced  Nº 125  Of. 128
Telefono: 051-054-254085
Movil: 051-054-959955514/ 959715948







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